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Defining data types

New datatypes with the data construct

data Weekday = Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa | Su

This is an enumeration type. There are 7 constructors:

Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su :: Weekday
data Date = D Int Int Int -- year, month, day

This is a record type. It has a single constructor:

D :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Date

(Data) Constructors

Mo :: Weekday
D :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Date
False :: Bool
(:) :: a -> [a] -> [a]
(,) :: a -> b -> (a, b)
Just :: a -> Maybe a
  • Constructors are constants or functions that can be used to construct terms on the right hand side of a declaration.
  • They have types targetting the datatype they belong to.
  • Constructors determine the shape of values – they are not reduced, but evaluate to themselves.
  • We can pattern-match on constructors (and not on ordinary constants or functions).

Datatypes yield programming patterns

From the datatype definition, we can read off the standard design principle for functions over the datatype:

  • For each constructor, make a case.
  • Use the arguments of the constructor on the right hand side.
  • Whenever the datatype is recursive, consider making the function recursive.


data Bool = False | True

An enumeration type, like Weekday.

Two constructors, no recursion.

Example functions:

not :: Bool -> Bool
not False = True
not True = False
(&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
(&&) True True = True
(&&) __ = False


data (a, b) = (a, b)
data (a, b, c) = (a, b, c)

Parameterized. One constructor each. No recursion. Built-in syntax.

We could define our own, with less convenient syntax:

data Pair a b = MakePair a b
data Triple a b c = MakeTriple a b c

Example functions:

secondOfThree :: (a, b, c) -> b
secondOfThree (x, y, z) = y
secondOfThree' :: Triple a b c -> b
secondOfThree' (MakeTriple x y z) = y


data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

Parameterized. Two constructors. No recursion. Example function:

fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe def Nothing = def
fromMaybe def (Just x) = x


data [a] = [] | a : [a]

Parameterized. Two constructors. Recursive. Built-in syntax. We could define our own, with less convenient syntax.

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)

We have seen lots of example functions following the standard design principle.

The data construct

The syntax of the data construct:

data Type arg1...argm = Con1 ty1 ... tyn
| Con2 ...
| ...

Introduces the new datatype Type and the data constructors Con1 , Con2 , ... .

Types of constructors are determined by the data declaration:

Con1 :: ty1 -> ... -> tyn -> Type arg1 ... argm

Type and constructor names must start with an uppercase letter; symbolic infix constructors must start with a colon ( : ). Lists and tuples support additional built-in syntax that cannot be used for other datatypes.

Applying the design principle

Also for new datatypes, always keep in mind that by looking at the datatype, you obtain a design principle for functions over that type:

data Weekday = Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa | Su

isWeekend :: Weekday -> Bool
isWeekend Mo = False
isWeekend Tu = False
isWeekend We = False
isWeekend Th = False
isWeekend Fr = False
isWeekend Sa = True
isWeekend Su = True
isWeekend :: Weekday -> Bool
isWeekend Sa = True
isWeekend Su = True
isWeekend _ = False

Collapsing cases – the order of cases then matters!

Another example

data Date = D Int Int Int -- year, month, day

One constructor. No recursion.

Example function:

valid :: Date -> Bool
valid (D y m d) =
m >= 1 && m <= 12 && d >= 1 && d <= 31

Of course, this is not an optimal definition.

Type synonyms with type

Often, for datatypes with a single constructor, the constructor is named the same as the datatype itself:

data Date = Date Int Int Int

It’s often better to give more meaningful names to types without creating a completely new type:

type Year = Int
type Month = Int
type Day = Int
data Date = Date Year Month Day

Note that type introduces type synonyms. For example, 2 :: Year and 2 :: Int. No conversion function is required.

Renamed types with newtype

We could also define:

data Year = Year Int

Now Year and Int are different:

Year :: Int -> Year -- the constructor

To extract the Int from a year, we can use pattern matching:

fromYear :: Year -> Int
fromYear (Year n) = n

For the case of a single-constructor, single-argument datatype (i.e., a renamed type), there’s a more efficient construct:

newtype Year = Year Int


  • Let the types guide you.
  • Use pattern matching to get at components of values, and to distinguish cases.
  • Try to follow the recursive structure of types (lists, trees).
  • Cover all cases.
  • Use precise types, such as Maybe , rather than causing uncontrolled errors.