What happens if the file does not exist?
GHCi> readFileLineByLine "doesnotexist"
*** Exception: doesnotexist: openFile: does not exit
(No such file or directory)
Exceptions in effectful vs effect-free code
Exceptions in pure code (via error
, missing patterns, ...) are bad:
- It is unclear when exactly, or if, they will be triggered,
- It is therefore also unclear where or when to best handle them,
- Explicitly handling failure via Maybe or similar is almost always the better solution.
Exceptions in effectful ( IO ) code are different:
- Execution order is explicit, and handling is easier.
- There are many things that go wrong.
Catching IO errors
From System.IO.Error :
catchIOError :: IO a -> (IOError -> IO a) -> IO a
readFileLineByLine' ::
FilePath -> IO (Maybe [String])
readFileLineByLine' file =
(liftM Just (readFileLineByLine file))
(const (return Nothing))
Testing it
GHCi> writeFile "test" "foo\nbar"
GHCi> readFileLineByLine' "test"
Just ["foo", "bar"]
GHCi> removeFile "test"
GHCi> readFileLineByLine' "test"
From System.Directory :
removeFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
- The role of the
type. - Composing
functions. - Higher-order
functions (sequence
). - File IO.
- Resources.
- Exceptions.