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Parametric polymorphism

One function, several types

Some Haskell expressions and functions can have more than one type.


fst (x, y) = x
Possible type signatures (all would work):
fst :: (a, a) -> a
fst :: (Int, a) -> Int
fst :: (Int, Int) -> Int
fst :: (a, b) -> a
fst :: (Int, Char) -> Int

Is one of these clearly the “best” choice?

Most general type

Haskell’s type system is designed such that (ignoring some language extensions) each term has a most general type:

  • the most general type allows the most flexible use;
  • all other types the term has can be obtained by instantiating the most general type, i.e., by substituting type variables with type expressions.

Instantiating types

The type signature

fst :: (a, b) -> a
declares the most general type for fst . Types like
fst :: (a, a) -> a
fst :: (Int, Char) -> Int
fst :: (a -> Int -> b, c) -> a -> Int -> b

are instantiations of the most general type.

Type inference will always infer the most general type!

(So sometimes it’s worth asking GHC about the inferred type of a function, even if you started by providing a type signature, and you might be surprised that the inferred type is more general than what you had specified.) No run-time type information Haskell terms carry no type information at run-time. Remember You can only ever use a term in the ways its type dictates.

No run-time type information

Haskell terms carry no type information at run-time.


You can only ever use a term in the ways its type dictates.


fst :: (a, b) -> a
fst (x, y) = x
restrictedFst :: (Int, Int) -> Int
restrictedFst = fst -- ok
newFst :: (a, b) -> a
newFst = restrictedFst -- type error!

What is Parametric polymorphism?

  • A type with type variables (but no class constraints) is called (parametrically) polymorphic.
  • Type variables can be instantiated to any type expression, but several occurrences of the same variable have to be the same type.
  • If a function argument has polymorphic type, then you know nothing about it. No pattern matching is possible. You can only pass it on.
  • If a function result has polymorphic type, then (except for undefined and error ) you can only try to build one from the function arguments.

Let us look at examples.


How many functions can you think of that have this type:

(Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)

And of this one?

(a, a) -> (a, a)

And of this one?

(a, b) -> (b, a)

(Thanks to Doaitse Swierstra for the example.)


  • In general, parametric polymorphism severely restricts how a function can be implemented.
  • So if the functionality you’re trying to implement is quite general, this is a good thing, because it really prevents you from making errors.
  • Conversely, if you see a function with parametrically polymorphic type, you know that it cannot look at the polymorphic values.
  • By looking at polymorphic types alone, one can obtain non-trivial properties of the functions. (This is sometimes called “parametricity”.)
  • For example, map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] must produce a list in which all elements are obtained by applying the given function to elements of the original list – but we don’t know how long the resulting list is, or in which order the elements occur.

A common pitfall: who gets to choose

Sometimes, it may be tempting to write a program like the following:

parse :: String -> a
parse "False" = False
parse "0" = 0

What is wrong here? For polymorphic types, it is always the caller who gets to choose at which type the function should be used. A function with polymorphic result type (but no polymorphic arguments) is impossible to write without either looping or causing an exception: we’d have to produce a value that belongs to every type imaginable!

What if we need to return values of different types?

Option 1: use Either :

data Either a b = Left a | Right b
parse :: String -> Either Bool Int
parse "False" = Left False
parse "0" = Right 0

Option 2: define your own datatype.

data Value = VBool Bool | VInt Int
parse :: String -> Value
parse "False" = VBool False
parse "0" = VInt 0

The second option is quite common in libraries that interface with dynamically typed languages (SQL, JSON, ...).