- Programs are structured into modules (files)
- Modules contain declarations (statements).
- The most important form of declarations are bindings for new constants and functions.
- In such bindings, expressions play the central role.
Therefore we are going to look at expressions before everything else.
A Haskell expression is a (possibly nested) terms built up from constants and function calls.
- An important property of expressions is that they can be evaluated, yielding a value.
- Values are themselves expressions that cannot be evaluated any further.
- You can type expressions into GHCi. GHCi will then try to evaluate the expression and print its resulting value
Examples of values
GHCi> 2
GHCi> 'x'
GHCi> "Haskell"
GHCi> True
GHCi> [1,2,4]
Examples of function calls
GHCi> not True
GHCi> min 7 2
GHCi> 2 + 3
GHCi> 3 : [10,99]
GHCi> take 2 [1,3,9,27,81]
GHCi> map odd [1,2,3,4,5]
Operators are functions
Only syntactic differences between symbolic and alphanumeric function names.
Symbolic identifiers (operators) are infix by default, and can be made prefix by enclosing them in parentheses.
GHCi> 6 + 9
GHCi> (+) 6 9
Alphanumeric identifiers are prefix by default, and can be made infix by enclosing them in backquotes.
GHCi> max 12 20
GHCi> 12 `max` 20
Space is function application
min 7 2 -- function applied to two arguments
Parentheses are used for grouping
GHCi> min 7 (2 + 6)
GHCi> min 7 2 + 6
Function application binds stronger than operators.
GHCi> reverse (reverse [1,2,3])
GHCi> sum (filter odd [1,2,3,4,5])
GHCi> take 1 "Haskell" ++ drop 4 "Haskell"
Anonymous functions (or lambda terms)
Referring to functions without giving them a name:
GHCi> (\ x -> x + 3) 4
GHCi> (\ list n -> take n (reverse list)) "hello" 3
The \ is pronounced “lambda”.
Particularly useful as an argument to another function:
GHCi> map (\ x -> 3 * x + 1) [1,2,3]
Functions taking other functions as arguments are called higher-order functions.
We have learned about:
- Expressions and values,
- Functions and operators,
- Numbers, characters, Booleans, lists (and strings),
- Lambda terms.
In particular, try to get used to the function application syntax (using space) and the use of parentheses only for grouping.