Monadic operations
The advantages of an abstract interface Several advantages to identifying the “monad” interface:
- Have to learn fewer names. Same return and (>>=) (and do notation) in many different situations.
- Useful derived functions that only use return and (>>=) . All these library functions become automatically available for every monad.
The advantages of an abstract interface
Several advantages to identifying the “monad” interface:
- Have to learn fewer names. Same return and (>>=) (and do notation) in many different situations.
- Useful derived functions that only use return and (>>=) . All these library functions become automatically available for every monad.
- There are many more monads than the ones we’ve discussed so far. Monads can be combined to form new monads.
- Application-specific code often uses just the monadic interface plus a few extra functions. As such, it is easy to switch the underlying monad of a large part of a program in order to accommodate a new aspect (error handling, logging, backtracking, ...).
Useful monad operations
liftM :: (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b
mapM :: (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO [b]
mapM_:: (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO ()
forM :: [a] -> (a -> IO b) -> IO [b]
forM_ :: [a] -> (a -> IO b) -> IO ()
sequence :: [IO a] -> IO [a]
sequence_:: [IO a] -> IO ()
forever :: IO a -> IO b
filterM :: (a -> IO Bool) -> [a] -> IO [a]
replicateM :: Int -> IO a -> IO [a]
replicateM_ :: Int -> IO a -> IO ()
when :: Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
unless :: Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
liftM :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
mapM_:: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m ()
forM :: Monad m => [a] -> (a -> m b) -> m [b]
forM_ :: Monad m => [a] -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a]
sequence_:: Monad m => [m a] -> m ()
forever :: Monad m => a -> m b
filterM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a]
replicateM :: Monad m => Int -> m a -> m [a]
replicateM_ :: Monad m => Int -> m a -> m ()
when :: Monad m => Bool -> m () -> m ()
unless :: Monad m => Bool -> m () -> m ()
Example: labelling a rose tree
data Rose a = Fork a [Rose a]
Each node has a (possibly empty) list of subtrees.
Example: labelling a rose tree
data Rose a = Fork a [Rose a]
Each node has a (possibly empty) list of subtrees.
labelRose :: Rose a -> State Int (Rose (a, Int))
labelRose (Fork x cs) = do
c <- get
put (c + 1)
lcs <- mapM labelRose cs
return (Fork (x, c) lcs)
What do you think these will evaluate to:
replicateM 2 [1 . . 3]
mapM return [1 . . 3]
sequence [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
mapM (flip lookup [(1, 'x'), (2, 'y'), (3, 'z')]) [1 . . 3]
mapM (flip lookup [(1, 'x'), (2, 'y'), (3, 'z')]) [1, 4, 3]
evalState (replicateM_ 5 (modify (+ 2)) >> get) 0
About liftM
and fmap
liftM :: (Monad m) => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
fmap :: (Functor f) => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
- Nearly same type as
, but a different class constraint. - But every monad can be made an instance of Functor , by
to beliftM
. - In practice, nearly all Haskell monads provide a Functor
instance. So you usually have
and (<$>
) available, all doing the same.
A common pattern
Let’s once again look at tree labelling:
labelTree :: Tree a -> State Int (Tree (a, Int))
labelTree (Leaf x) = do
c <- get
put (c + 1) -- or modify (+ 1)
return (Leaf (x, c))
labelTree (Node l r) = do
ll <- labelTree l
lr <- labelTree r
return (Node ll lr)
We are returning an application of (constructor) function Node to the results of monadic computations.
A common pattern (contd.)
r1 <- comp1
r2 <- comp2
rn <- compn
return (f r1 r2...rn)
This isn’t type correct:
f comp1 comp2...compn
But we can get close:
f <$> comp1 <*> comp2... <*> compn
Monadic application
We need a function that’s like function application, but works on monadic values:
ap :: Monad m => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
ap mf mx = do
f <- mf
x <- mx
return (f x)
Types supporting return and ap have their own name:
class Functor f => Applicative f where
pure :: a -> f a -- like return
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b -- like ap
Functor and Applicative in terms of Monad
instance Monad T where ...
Requires superclass instances for Functor and Applicative :
instance Functor T where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative T where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
labelTree :: Tree a -> State Int (Tree (a, Int))
labelTree (Leaf x) = do
c <- get
put (c + 1) -- or modify (+ 1)
return (Leaf (x, c))
labelTree (Node l r) =
Node <$> labelTree l <*> labelTree r
Exercise: Convince yourself that this is type correct.
- The abstraction of monads is useful for a multitude of different types.
- Monads can be seen as tagging computations with effects.
- While IO is impure and cannot be defined in Haskell, the other effects we have seen can be modelled in a pure way:
- exceptions via Maybe or Either ;
- state via State ;
- nondeterminism via [] .
- The monad interface offers a large number of useful abstractions that can all be applied to these different scenarios.
- All monads are also applicative functors and in particular functors. The (
) and (<*>
) operations are also useful for structuring effectful code in Haskell.